We as a Barony, within the Kingdom of Calontir and the Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc., hold a variety of local activities.
We provide demonstrations. At a demo, we interact with interested people about what life would be like before 1600. Our fighters demonstrate fighting techniques, the armor, and the weapons they use. Our artisans engage in showing what they use to create paintings and scrolls. Our weavers bring out their looms allowing interested people to try their hand. Many of the activities in which people took part in Medieval days are recreated in modern times. Let us show you! Please do contact The seneschal if you are interested in a demonstration.
We host populace gatherings. Several times monthly, the populace gathers to practice fighting activities, artistic endeavors, or to sit and visit. Please do check out the calendar section if you would like to come to a gathering.
We offer classes. We often teach about life before 1600 through scriptoriums, fiber arts nights, bardic circles, (to mention a few). Please do check out the calendar section if you would like to attend.
We organize revels. Our populace comes together quarterly for an afternoon for a potluck feast, competitions, Baronial Court, and the opportunity to visit. At revels we dress in clothing that might have been found pre-1600. Please do check the calendar to discover when our next revel will be.
We hold events for the Kingdom and Society to enjoy. Annually, this is our Twelfth Night Celebration. As well, periodically the populace of the kingdom or society will come to our fair barony to attend a larger event. An event is similar to a revel, but on a larger scale. Please do check the calendar to discover when our next event will be.